
Hello! My name is Kat, and this is my website! I started this blog as a way to connect to other wives, mothers, and people who are going through similar experiences and may need encouragement. My own struggle with mental health has provided plenty of inspiration, and no matter the circumstances, I’ve found God has taught me one lesson after another through that battle.

Since claiming this little corner of the internet as mine in August 2018, I’ve learned that my journey is far from over. It’s funny how we convince ourselves that we are independent simply because things are going well. That said, the three things that mattered most to me at the onset of this process have transformed, becoming more deeply meaningful to me in a way I never anticipated. As they did when I began, they continue to form the foundation for all content published on this website, albeit in a new way:

1. Faith – There is absolutely nothing in this world that is more important to me or more integral to my identity than my faith in Jesus Christ. My relationship with God has carried me through every storm, and even if I tried to write without including him in the story, I couldn’t. We are inseparable. And on the rare occasion I come to believe I can do life alone, He quickly reminds me that He is the original “ride or die,” and I realize anew how ugly I am without Him.

2. Family – I am a wife to a wonderful husband who supports me, even if he doesn’t always share my perspective, and through him, God has given me two beautiful children (pictured below). As a stay-at-home mom, my life is full of motherhood-related experiences, and as a wife, I’ve learned a great deal about unconditional love. I’m looking forward to sharing some of these things with you!

3. Friendship – God has given me a few gems for friends, and I will most likely write of them frequently and glowingly. They have taught me a great deal about life, and I hope you take the time to read some of their guest posts here! Over the course of my travels down this blogging road, I’ve discovered that my definition of friendship is evolving. I’m eager to see how pursuing Christ continues to transform me.

If all of the above resonates with you, please take the time to fill out my contact form! And if it sounds like something you’d like, but you want to know more, head on over to my blog to get to know me even better.

I can’t wait to connect with you!



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